Luas Panen dan Produksi Padi di Luwu Utara 2021 (Angka Tetap) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Luwu Utara Regency

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Luas Panen dan Produksi Padi di Luwu Utara 2021 (Angka Tetap)

Release Date : May 9, 2022
File Size : 1.61 MB


  • The rice harvested area in 2021 will reach 37.79 thousand hectares, a decrease of 2.78 thousand hectares or 6.87 percent compared to 2020 which was 40.58 thousand hectares.
  • Rice production in 2021 is 194.02 thousand tons of GKG, an increase of 33.59 thousand tons of GKG or 20.94 percent compared to 2020 which is 160.42 thousand tons of GKG.
  • Rice production in 2021 for the population's food consumption will reach 111.34 thousand tons, an increase of 19.28 thousand tons or 20.94 percent compared to 2020 rice production of 92.06 thousand tons.
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